Sitemap - 2023 - The Goolag

Buffy Sainte-Marie Embraces Career Change

Canada to replace judges with kangaroos

64% of Canadians believe Anne Frank was occupying her flat while hiding from the Nazis

FIAT-Chrysler Unveils New Jeep Model

Lucky The Leprechaun gets a much needed make over.

Rainbow-coloured paper to replace traditional white.

Canada Applies For Colony Status

Canadian Military Meets DIE Targets.

Jazz group believes 'Listen to the notes not played' is micro aggression.

Kellogg's Unveils Triple K

Months Dedicated To Groups Announced.

Dr. Robert Malone Joins This Old House; Shares Tips On How To Change Tire.

Freezer Companies Solicit Chrystia Freeland

Bowing to pressure from groups, the NHL reclassifies 'Right-wingers' as 'Right-floaters'.

Two research studies show mRNA and flu vaccines are effective against mythical creatures; The vaccinated enjoy sex, chocolate, wine and coffee more than the unvaccinated.

'I have long-covid' replaces 'I'm washing my hair' as #1 excuse for women to avoid sex or dating.

Disinformation conspiracy theorist hate-speech spreader Justin Trudeau challenged in Parliament; Government's inquiry gauging the mood of Canadians revealed.

Tesla owners applaud the humanitarian effort to help children in Cobalt mines in the Congo

Breaking: Pfizer Redefines 'Rare' To Mean 1 in 3 For Vaccines; Canadian Doctors can now apply for 'Licensed Murderer' status; Freeland becomes Minister of Frozen Bank Accounts.

Federal government, experts, Karens and Social media team up calling for an NFL tackle ban.

College of Psychologists of Ontario Offer 'Snuggle Sessions' to Dr. Jordan Peterson