'I have long-covid' replaces 'I'm washing my hair' as #1 excuse for women to avoid sex or dating.
Long-Covid straining dating scene and households.
In a poll conducted by Rasmussen, 77% of women admitted to lying about having ‘long-covid’ to avoid committing to a date or sex with their husbands.
The old joke used to be, “What are you doing Friday?” to which the woman would then respond, “I’m washing my hair”. The persistent courter would follow up with, “What about Saturday?” only to be told, “I’m drying my hair.”
But things have evolved and Covid-climate-change has impacted dating culture as well.
“Women are sharp,” pollster Paul explained. “Telling a man they have long-covid is an effective way to get someone off their back”.
We took to the streets to ask what Canadians thought about the poll.
A university student said, “I’m going to use that one! Not that anyone’s asked me on a date lately”.
“Shame. None of this would happen if everyone wore a mask and listened to the authorities,” author and political commentator Matt ‘Sad Beard’ Yglesias thundered.
For its part, the CBC, citing models from a government-funded independent organization, reported that misinformation and unvaccinated people are the true cause of sex and dating being on the downtrend. “Long-covid is real. Models repeatedly show this so to say women are lying is misogynist and really a fringe opinion,” a CBC editor wrote in an email. “We just need more money to fight the plague of misinformation and everything will balance itself out,” he concluded.
It appears long covid will be with us for a long time.
And women will exploit this for as long as is necessary.
Sucks for those of us, me included, who really have “long covid” sequelae ever since the bioweapon was unleashed on the world 🌎 27 months and counting. My life forever changed then. God Speed everyone,