Former President - and perhaps comeback President in November - Donald Trump is on the campaign trail Trumpisizing his record.
Trump has claimed to be the ‘father of the vaccines” while also stating it “saved millions of lives.”
Many much millions of many lives.
“Why stop at the vaccines? It was Trump who allowed for the lockdowns and gave into the masks. He also kept Fauci on board,” Dr. Bombay of the Hold the Mayo Clinic said. “He’s a hero in many ways.”
But with the success of the COVID response behind him and in good hands with the current Joe Biden administration, there are new medical conditions to take credit for.
Speaking to an audience in Pennsylvania Trump proclaimed, “If it wasn’t for me, there would not be a rise in heart attacks. It touches my hear.t It really does. And don’t forget strokes. And blood clots. And sudden deaths. And rare cancers. See, they don’t tell you that, but I’m telling you that. Nasty people. Just nasty people out there.”
A Trump supporter summarized his accomplishments succinctly, “Wow. He saved millions and killed millions at the same time. That’s talent.”
*Trust the plan. Wheels are in motion. Have faith” said another.
Trump is expected to win the GOP nomination in his bid to retake the White House and unleash the White Hats upon the world.
A relevant song: THE SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY. A man reluctantly takes the jab in order to see his mother in a nursing home. Share Turfseer’s new song if you can.
there are no other options. Politicians be politicing and there seems no way out of this Twilight Zone of absolute insanity.
Lets talk about how all "Politicians" have to go pledge allegiance to the Israel and kiss the wailing wall first before they are allowed to serve America. Who is really running the world and America? It aint America...thats for sure.