Medical Orders, Colleges And Pharma Request Official Partnership With Cartel; Mafia.
Growing violence between all groups was growing.
The medical establishment and its overlords in the pharmaceutical industry here requesting closer official ties with the cartels and Mafia.
“It’s been a long-time coming. Covid, while ushering in a golden age for us, has exposed some vulnerabilities. We need to streamline all operations into a fully integrated machine. We call on law enforcement to leave us alone in this endeavour. We’re the doctors and we know best.”

An analyst for the industry said the synergies were already there. “All that was missing was to formalize the partnership with a merger. “We’re heading into a medical bio-surveillance technocratic-medical-tyranny boogaloo. It was important all main players got on the same page. Rather than keep each as independent operators, it made sense to amalgamate each entity into one,” she said. Another explained it this way, “Pharma was increasingly clashing with the cartels and the Mafia. Their capos were often encroaching on the territories reserved for criminal organizations”.
In a recent episode, pharma salesmen were in a shootout with local mafia soldiers in Philadelphia. Two lay dead, including one pharma representative, and four wounded after the violence.
“The violence has been growing and has us worried,'“ Dr. Rose, a paediatrician said. “We all want to maximize and protect profits, but what good is that if we’re dead? We have lives to save with our products.”
Speaking on behalf of the Mafia, a spokesperson who asked to be referred to as just “Gary” said, “They’re all rats. And now they know it.”
“While I see the potential for enormous profits, the habit of Cartels and Mafias getting murdery may make this a tenuous alliance at best,” a former criminal investigator with the FBI warned. He added, “So a paediatrician, FDA official, mobster, and pharma rep walk into a room…. I have to work on this joke”.
Hey, not even funny just saying it as is? LoL. They would probably do it but
don't want to share the profits.